Using the unprecedented capabilities of the NASA/ESA/CSA James Webb Space Telescope in exploring the Universe , an inte…
It is located 500 million light-years from Earth, in the Sculptor constellation. What this stunning photograph reveals …
October October 9: New Moon. This phase occurs at 03:47 UTC. October 21-22: Rain of Orionian stars. The Orionids prod…
The Gaia space probe, the European mission that aims to develop a detailed catalog with the position, distance and spee…
Although we already knew that Uranus is probably one of the most hostile places for life in the Solar System, now we ha…
A team of astronomers from the Leiden Observatory (The Netherlands) and the University of Rochester (USA) has discovere…
A team of astronomers led by Bruce Macintosh of the University of Standford (USA) has discovered thanks to the Gemini P…
As if it were a cosmic chess game, a team of astrophysicists from the University of Toronto (USA) has discovered that a…
Although we have always thought that if there was danger that something would fall on our heads would be asteroids, a t…